Discover how much more of a whole-body workout you’ll get while walking by incorporating the Pilates-Walk training principles, concepts, and exercises into your weekly workouts.
Walking provides a great whole-body workout, but only if you’re using everything well. Most of us have muscle habits that are inhibiting our stride. Whether it’s from siting at a desk all day, muscle imbalances from sport training, being a mom and carrying your kids on one hip all the time, past injuries, or just lack of awareness for what muscles you’re using to move… Becoming more aware of your current habits and discovering new ways to move with the Pilates Walk system, can help you fine-tune your fitness to create an even healthier YOU!
It’s nice to think that you’re out for a walk to improve your health, but if you’re not engaged with both your brain and body to pay attention to how you’re moving, you might be missing out on the true health benefits walking can provide.
No Pilates experience is necessary to benefit from the tips and techniques you’ll find in this book.
The Pilates Walk system covers everything from your head to your toes:
The Pilates Walk system covers everything from your head to your toes:
- Learn Centerworks® M.O.V.E.ment concepts that are designed to integrate mind and body.
- Experience simple Pilates Walk prep exercises that will help you systematically retrain each part of your body to improve a healthy stride.
- Find better muscle support to stand taller and move with freedom and ease.
Whether you walk as a dedicated fitness activity, or just walk as a part of your daily life routine.
Improve how you move with Pilates Walk Tips, Techniques, and Exercises for a Healthy Stride.
“Got the Pilates-Walk book. Really enjoying it. Thanks!” –Sheryl C.
“My client, who had a stroke 8 years ago, bought your Pilates Walk book. He loves it. He asked if you wrote any other books and I loaned him my copy of Fantastic Feet. We’ve worked on his feet a lot. He said he has never been aware of all the information that I’ve told him (which I learned from you) and what’s in your book(s). He never thought he’d be able to balance on one foot again. He can now put his pants on without holding onto something. He is very proud of that. Thx!!!” –Jamie S. Pilates Teacher, Inhale/Exhale Studio
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Pilates Walk, Tips, Techniques, and Exercises for a Healthy Stride Today!